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Rabu, 13 Juli 2016

Fake gps location Pokemon GO without Root (English)

Fake Gps Location Pokemon GO Without Root (English)

Step 1 : Open Developer Option

Download develover option


Then select enable mock locations in tick on.

Stop up here, press the MENU button and developers do not diclose option.

Step 2: Open FakeGps

then download fakegps pro through Blackmart.

Select a location anywhere you want. Tap twice to mark the location and click the play button color orange. Look ScreenShot

Stop up here. Press the menu button.

Wait for the transfer between the stop into a fake to fake location location engaged. Screenshot clay.

Fake location stop

Fake location engaged.

Step 3: Go back to the developer option.

IMPORTANT !!! THE KEY HERE deactivated mock locations and do not immediately go into Pokemon GO.

Step 4: Open Pokemon GO

Automatically you will go to a location that has you setting with fakegps. Each location will replace the need to follow the rare step 1. And most importantly who are on Step 3, do occasionally go to the pokemon GO ON status when fake location.

Essentially enable mock locations - select a location fakegps - waiting status became engaged stop locations - disable fake location - open pokemon GO - visit paradise.

Whatever happens it's your pain.

good luck


Still there is often difficult to catch Pokemon Bug although Cp 10.

Can not be battle in the Gym.

Not Pokeball in every Pokestop.

The bugs can be overcome by close Pokemon GO and played back.

We are sorry if language a bit complicated, because many are waiting for hurry.

Other screenshot

Greetings World Trainer

Adekei49 team Valor

Curup - Bengkulu - Indonesia

Selasa, 12 Juli 2016

Fake gps location Pokemon GO without Root

Fake Gps Location Pokemon GO Without Root

Step 1 : Open Developer Option

Download Developer Option


Selanjutnya pilih aktifkan lokasi palsu dicentang on.

Stop sampai disini, tekan tombol MENU dan developer option jangan diclose.

Step 2 : Buka FakeGps
Klo mau FakeGps pro Download dulu BlackMart
 trus download fakegps pro melalui Blackmart.

Pilih lokasi dimana saja kalian mau. Ketuk dua kali untuk menandai lokasi dan klik tombol play warna orange. Liat ScreenShot

Stop sampai disini. Tekan tombol menu. 
Tunggu pengalihan antar fake location stop menjadi fake location engaged. Liat Screenshoot.

Fake location stop
Fake location engaged.

Step 3 : Masuk kembali ke developer option.
PENTING !!! DISINI KUNCINYA non aktifkan lokasi palsu dan jangan langsung masuk ke Pokemon GO.

step 4 : Open Pokemon GO

Secara otomatis kalian akan masuk ke lokasi yang telah kalian setting dengan fakegps. Setiap akan mengganti lokasi harus mengikuti langka dari step 1. Dan yg paling penting adalah pada Step 3, jangan sesekali buka pokemon GO disaat lokasi palsu status ON. 

Intinya aktifkan lokasi palsu - pilih lokasi fakegps - tunggu status lokasi stop menjadi engaged - nonaktifkan lokasi palsu - buka pokemon GO - kunjungi Surganya.
Apapun yg terjadi itu derita anda.
Selamat mencoba

BUG : 
Masih sering ada Bug susah catch Pokemon walau Cp 10.
Tidak bisa battle di Gym.
Tidak Pokeball di setiap Pokestop.
Semua bug bisa diatasi dengan cara close Pokemon GO dan mainkan kembali.

Mohon maaf klo bahasanya sedikit ribet, soalnya buru buru banyak yang nungguin, hahaha

Salam Kenal Trainer Dunia

Adekei49 team Valor
Curup - Bengkulu - Indonesia

Senin, 11 Juli 2016

How to Change the GPS location in Pokemon GO (Fake GPS)

How to Change the GPS location in Pokemon GO (Fake GPS)

Pokemon GO is a game that relies on MAP location using GPS, we can change, or create a false GPS location in Pokemon GO without having to leave the house to go somewhere so that we can change the GPS position

If you play by the place where we were it would be a bit troublesome when the location we rarely stay there pokemon or Pokestop and GYM to get Pokeball, extra points and other items, but yes it is the art of playing the game Pokemon GO, hehe ..

For the lazy way out of the house or lazy to go to a certain place, for example we want to find the Pokemon in the sea or in the mountains or in other countries such as the USA or Australia so that we can outsmart our GPS position can be changed or replaced without the need to bother going there.

Here's how to change or change in MAP GPS location Pokemon GO:


Android is already at the root. Read: How To Root Android


1. Download Fake GPS Location spoofer (not directly installed) and Lcky Ptchr.

2. Install and run Lcky Ptchr, go to Rebuild and Install.

3.  Go to the folder where you store the app Fake GPS Location spoofer (basically in the download folder if you downloaded using Google Chrome browser. / Sdcard0 / download /).

4. Select Fake GPS app and select "Install as a System App". This means that the application Fake GPS running well because internal memory installed in the system Android.

5. If the application Fake GPS has been tepasang now run, go to the menu Settingsdan tick Expert Mode.

6. Now back to the main menu and then pilihicon search and enter the location you want, for example: New York. The next touch the play icon.

Jangan lupa untuk menonaktifkan/disable mock GPS di settings – developer options – allow mock locations.
7. Sekarang buka kembali game Pokemon GO, selamat posisi lokasi GPS sudah berubah 😀
Jika ingin berhasil memangkap Pokemon saat menggunakan fake GPS, status GPS tidak boleh searching, tunggu hingga status “location set by GPS”.

So that the character can move or walk automation in mock locations around fake Move feature enabled location in the Settings menu.

Tick ​​Move around fake location, and let the numbers Timeout setting in secondssecara default or you can change into numbers 10-30 not to be too fast.
This way you can use to change the location in the application sosmed also like Path, Instagram, WhatsApp, Facebook, Google+ and other social media applications.